I need help with statistical analysis. Where should I go?
You can visit the Johns Hopkins Biostats Center or the Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Data Management (BEAD) Core to get help with statistical analysis.
What is PMAP?
PMAP stands for Precision Medicine Analytic Platform. You can learn about PMAP here.
Cloud computing
How can I get an estimated cost of the cloud resources?
To get an estimated on Microsoft Azure, please visit Pricing Calculator
For estimation on AWS, please visit AWS Calculator
How does the billing work for cloud?
Users with the billing reader rights can have access to billing. Budget alert can also be setup to provide updates on the consumption level.
What happens if I go over my allocated budget, would it stop me from using my resources?
No, you will still be able to continue using the resources even if you go over the budget threshold. However, the budget alert will be able to notify you of your usage but it will not prevent you from you continuous usage. It is the responsibility of the customer to monitor the budget alert and spending.
Data Sharing/Transfer/Access
How can I get Epic and other EHR data?
Contact the Core for Clinical Research Data Acquisition(CCDA) to learn more about getting Epic and other medical data
How can I share files and folders with internal and external collaborators?
- Follow instructions for Configuring OneDrive for Secure Sharing (IT@JH) and contact your IT representative for assistance if necessary. Limit who has access to those folders and assign someone to be responsible for monitoring and administering access settings.
- Secure File Transfer (SFTP) is also an option.
- An overview on various option on internal and external data sharing can be found here
High Performance Computing (HPC)
What is an HPC cluster?
HPC or High Performance Computing is a class of applications and workloads that solve computationally intensive tasks. An HPC cluster is a group of many compute servers that are networked together to deliver high performance computing. Learn more
What is ARCH?
ARCH — The Advanced Research Computing at Hopkins, formerly known as MARCC is the former is a shared computing facility at Johns Hopkins University. Learn More
DISCOVERY is a general-purpose high-performance computing cluster (HPC) housed at the Johns Hopkins Mount Washington Data Center in Baltimore Maryland. Research-focused DISCOVERY HPC is PHI compliant for both analysis and storage and a future compliance target environment of NIST 800-171. Learn More
Is DISCOVERY (HPC) Windows or Linux based?
DISCOVERY (HPC) can be accessed through command-line for linux based-computing and OnDemand (GUI) for windows-based computing.
I need help with Microsoft 365
Please email [email protected]
Where can I find JHU IT policies?
You need a JHED ID to see the policies. If you have a JHED ID you can access information here.
Where can I get more information about OneDrive, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Office365 ?
You can find information about those tools here.
I need help with Authentication, i.e. WebSSO/Desktop SSO
You can email [email protected]. This will create a ticket and someone will contact you within 3 business days.
As a faculty member at JHU, what free research resources do I have access to?
Free resources available to JHU faculty can be found here.
How can someone move their GitHub organization under the JHU Enterprise on GitHub?
All GitHub organizations should be under the JHU Enterprise. This allows JHU to keep ownership of the work in case vendor relationships are severed or employees leave. Reach out to Digital Research and Curation Center to request a new account or to migrate your account. This is a free service offered by the University.
SAFER & SAFE Desktop
What is SAFE?
SAFE is the virtual desktop.
Can more than one person log into the same SAFER or SAFE Desktop virtual machine?
Unfortunately, no. The provisioning of the machines is JHED ID credential based. Each user who needs to access SAFER or SAFE Desktop will need their own virtual machine.
How much of space can I get in SAFE?
How do I request SAFE Desktop?
For Safe Desktop, the request form is found here. Students need a university faculty sponsor them to get a SAFE desktop
How do I request SAFER Desktop?
You can request SAFER Desktop by completing Research IT Intake Form
How much storage does SAFE Desktop provide?
SAFE provides 100GB of free storage. You can purchase a subscription to more storage at $2/100GB per month.
Can SAFESTOR (NAS) and DISCOVERY (HPC) be accessible through SAFER (Desktop)?
Yes. SAFER (Desktop) is integrated with SAFESTOR (NAS) and DISCOVERY (HPC).
What is Research NAS
Research Network Attached Storage (NAS) is a secure storage option presented over the network and supported by Research IT@JH. Accessible from the SAFE Desktop, this new Research NAS option is highly scalable and performant while offering data protection. This is used for home directories, departmental shared drives, bulk storage, and data archiving.
How can I request Enterprise NAS space from IT@JH?
The monthly cost of storage is $2/100GB. Please submit a request through the service portal.
How much space is free for Research NAS?
For Research use, up to 10 TB is free. Anything from 10-100 TB would cost $6/TB/month.
What storage is suitable for data with PHI?
There are several options for storage depending on the type and size of your data. You can find the summary of all options here.
My data has PHI/PII. Can I store it on the departmental server?
If you are working with files containing PHI/PII, it is your responsibility to check with your department or research group’s IT representative on the security rating of your server storage, and its approval level for sensitive data. You can submit a request using the link below, then clicking on ServiceNow to submit your question and your request will be sent to your departmental contact:. IT Departmental contacts.
How much storage space does OneDrive provide?
OneDrive provides 5TB of space per user.